IT glossary of common technology terms

IT Glossary: A Guide to Common IT Terms

Jargon is a fact of life in the IT industry, and the deeper you delve into the technicalities of technology, the more you’ll encounter. The thought of keeping up with an ever-evolving industry may seem intimidating. Still, if you hope … Continued

thumbprint biosecurity - physical security for businesses goes hand in hand with cybersecurity

What is Physical Security? How to Keep Devices and Facilities Safe

Physical security describes security measures designed to protect personnel, data, IT servers, networks, hardware, and software from physical actions and events that could cause serious harm or loss to an institution, agency, or enterprise. This includes protection from vandalism, theft, … Continued

cybersecurity risk management for Florida businesses

Understanding Cybersecurity Risk Management

As businesses embrace digital transformation and use advanced technology solutions to boost corporate development and efficiency, cybersecurity has risen to the top of the priority list. Cybersecurity risk is the possibility of exposure, loss of vital assets and sensitive information, … Continued

benefits of using a VPN

Why a VPN Is a Must-Have for Any Business

Since one in four Americans continued working remotely in 2021, investing in a VPN for your office would drastically improve a company’s cybersecurity systems. Short for virtual private network, a VPN is a security service that encrypts your internet connection, safeguarding … Continued

remote desktop security

How Attackers Enter Remote Desktops & How to Get Safe

Every day, cybercriminals gain access to personal information and corporate data by hacking into networks. One method they use is Remote Desktop Protocol (or RDP). What is Remote Desktop Protocol? Remote Desktop Protocol is a service that allows users to … Continued

firewall security

What Benefits Could a Firewall Offer Your Business?

Digitization is the future of business, but it doesn’t come without security risks. A recent report shows there were 15.1 billion records exposed in 2019 as part of data breaches. Network security vulnerabilities are the weakest link to your company’s … Continued

IT services that can improve businesses

5 IT Services That Can Boost Your Business

With technology always evolving, businesses need to invest in solid IT infrastructure to streamline operations, enhance security, reduce costs, and increase productivity. One way businesses can achieve this goal is by partnering with a professional managed services provider (MSP). An … Continued

ransomware attacks Florida businesses

What Florida Businesses Need to Know About Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have been on the rise over the last few years. Businesses and government institutions in Florida have been prime targets of ransomware cyberattacks, with a Florida School District being the most recent case. A criminal gang compromised the … Continued