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Managed IT

Your job isn’t to manage IT. Let us do that for you.

Our goal is for your network and Information Technology infrastructure to become stronger and more integrated than ever before, allowing you to scale your data capacity, improve your cybersecurity, and prevent data loss.

What Are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services provide you with full IT support, without the expense of an in-house team. A team of ITS Group specialists will assess, update, and monitor your system 24/7, preventing technical problems and immediately resolving any that do arise.

We design and maintain IT networks and systems to be scalable, efficient, and protected, so that your business is free to grow and develop. IT problems will be handled by our experts, so that your team is able to focus on the work that will actually build your business.

The Process

We offer a diverse range of cloud support services, including:


We examine the strengths and weaknesses of your existing IT infrastructure and cybersecurity.

Design and Implementation

We design a scalable system based on your business’s needs and implement the technology solutions that will make your network run smoothly and securely.


We monitor the security and functionality of your system, stopping many issues before they even start.

How Managed IT Services Can Help You

  • Maximize Productivity
    Up-to-date systems and software will ensure that technology is faster and more reliable, maximizing productivity. We will also provide your team with the tools required to work more efficiently, such as VoIP phone solutions and cloud storage. This means your employees will be able to focus on their jobs, instead of trouble-shooting the broken printer.
  • Minimize Downtime
    We monitor the health of your network to prevent issues that cause downtime. Updates, cyber threats, or other concerns will be dealt with proactively, so they don’t become major disasters. And if a problem does arise, we’ll deal with it quickly so that you can get back to work.
  • Prevent Data Loss
    Our data loss prevention techniques include cloud-based storage, off-site backups, and cybersecurity measures to ensure your information is always protected and available. Whether the threat is from a hacker or a hurricane, your information will be safe.
  • 24/7 Tech Support
    Nothing stops productivity like a sudden technical failure. But technology problems don’t need to slow you down, because our Help Desk is available 24/7/365. Our expert technicians will be ready to get you back up and running, no matter how large or small the problem.

Why Choose Managed IT Services from ITS Group?

  • Cost-efficiency
    With ITS Group, you receive a personalized service plan that provides exactly what you need at a predictable monthly fee, and you get prompt help with those unexpected emergencies.
  • Expertise
    Our experienced technicians are experts in the field, and they have worked with all kinds of companies. You can trust us to understand, identify, and solve any tech issue you’re facing.
  • Reliability
    No matter the problem, our technicians are here to help. Our Help Desk is available 24/7 to resolve all your technical problems and questions.

Call Us Today to Find Out More

With ITS Group, you’re getting more than technology specialists. You’re getting a professional team that understands and cares about your goals. We want to help you grow your business through the effective use of technology. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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